Tag Archives: children’s animal book

Interview with Leslie Dangerfield


I love dog and cat books. They are so uplifting during these trying times. I think I’ve found a memorable one to share with your family or classroom. Leslie Dangerfield grew up in the Bronx, and uses her real life experiences to develop her story ideas. Her debut children’s book, “Fernando the Bodega Cat”, highlights diversity and inclusion through daily encounters with a NYC bodega cat. I had the chance to ask Leslie about her childhood reading memories, writing routine, and what future projects she has in store for us.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Leslie Dangerfield: My favorite memory from reading as a child would probably be reading books with my grandmother. She would share her favorite books with me, and we would read it together. She would even read a few pages aloud to me every night. Sometimes if the books were really good, I would read ahead. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, so I would still act surprised when we read it together.

2) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Leslie Dangerfield: I’ve come to accept that my writing routine is no routine. My life is very demanding, and as much as I’ve tried to adhere to a routine, it never happens. However, I’ve learned to get creative in order to stay consistent. I use platforms like social media to share short stories from my phone, and in turn I build on that later for a new project. I’ve also even gone as far as recording myself telling a story and having it transcribed, and then going back and revising it until I’m satisfied. The times of dedicating hours at a computer to write are a luxury many people don’t have anymore. Fortunately, due to all the amazing technology we have access to, you can write from anywhere at any time.

3) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?
Leslie Dangerfield:
I have a few different children’s projects lined up that all include aspects of city life, a diverse range of protagonists tackling real issues that children deal with on a daily basis. Kids today are dealing with so much more than my generation did, and so much of it is unsung. I also have plans for a few YA and adult projects. Hopefully, this is just the beginning.

“Fernando the Bodega Cat” is a story that brings you into the heart of many New York City neighborhoods, a bodega store. Found throughout NYC, bodega stores are often the heart of the neighborhood, and can be the meeting of languages, cultures, and highlight the diversity of every neighborhood. Seen through the eyes of a cat, you will get to know all his neighbors and the neighborhood. With Fernando as your guide, learn how differences and diversity is prized and respected, and how everyone can share common interests with their fellow neighbors.

Recommended for children 3-8.

“Fernando the Bodega Cat” is available at Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.com.

For more information about Leslie Dangerfield, please visit her website here.

Interview with Carey Azzara


Carey Azzara Bio Pic

Carey Azzara is the author of the children’s book, The Sick Puppy. 

I have an extra treat for you. A new book from the author, Carey Azzara is coming out in this week. Carey is one of those authors that just have to write and get his message out to the world. His upcoming book, The Sick Puppy, is due out for release on [release date inserted]. I had a chance to talk to Carey about his influences as an author, his writing routine, and what he would like to write about in the future.

Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?
Carey Azzara:
I’m a fan of Mark Twain (who isn’t right?). His stories flow with ease and they all make sense. He teaches as well as entertains (something I aspire to). We learn something of true value from his writing, like the concept of a good lie in the book Huck Finn.

Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.
Carey Azzara:
I am not overly disciplined in my routine. I typically do my best work in the morning and late in the evening. However, when an idea strikes, I try hard to get it down on paper no matter when the muse is being helpful.

What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?
Carey Azzara:
My next project is a series of books written for the YA audience. It features a fifteen-year-old girl living in New Mexico who is part Apache. Along with her Apache mentor, an elder in the local Native American community, she discovers she has extraordinary powers. The working title is Gila Wilderness Warrior.

the-sick-puppy-ebook coverThe Sick Puppy is the story of a seven-year-old girl that has enjoyed living in her home in Cumberland, Maine. But when her Dad receives special news, her life is turned upside down to adjust to a new home. Heidi learns to adjust to her new town by a friend that puts the meaning into rescue. A sweet, little puppy.

The Sick Puppy is available on Amazon.com in ebook edition or paperback. It is also available at the publisher’s website at Glass Spider Publishing.

For more information on Carey Azzara, please visit his website at:
