Tag Archives: children’s activities

Interview with Semara Moffitt


As we continue this unusual start to the school year, I’d like to present another self-confidence book to build character and help with problem solving skills. Semara Moffitt is the author of the book, “Marissa’s Scrunchie Collection”. It’s a marvelous story in which a girl learns that inner beauty is more powerful than outer beauty, and that choices can make a difference. Its print edition is a coloring book, and will make a great activity during pandemic indoor days. I had a chance to talk to Semara about her favorite authors, writing routine, and what projects she has in store for us.

  1. Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Semara Moffitt: “I Am Enough”, by Grace Byers, is such a wonderful book! It demonstrates excepting yourself as who you are no matter what anyone thinks or says.

2) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Semara Moffitt: Usually, I will write down the first idea that comes to mind and work out the details little by little overtime. My first book took about 3 months for me to write.

3) What projects are you working on now? What subjects would you like to write about?
Semara Moffitt:
I am currently working on a Christmas book. I’m not quite sure if it will be ready this year, but I’m very excited to share my work.

“Marissa’s Scrunchie Collection” is about the choices we make in life and how they can affect how we feel about ourselves. Marissa has a drawer full of different scrunchies. There are shiny ones, patterned ones, and sparkly ones. Picture day is here, and she needs to pick out just the right one to look beautiful and perfect. But she can’t seem to find the right one? Will choosing a scrunchie be the right choice? Or will Marissa come up with the perfect look all on her own?

Marissa’s Scrunchie Collection is available on Amazon as an ebook or paperback book. The print edition makes a great coloring book gift.

For more information on the author, Semara Moffitt, visit her author’s page at: https://www.amazon.com/S-M-LiteratureLLC/e/B08GH9J845.

Day 4: Online Novel Study, Blog Article Activity & Study Questions



Look for other story projects on my blog in the coming days. Please follow to not miss them!

Welcome to Day 4 of The Lost Secret of Fairies novel study. Today, I continue with study questions for the next few chapters, and am featuring a blog article activity that goes along with the novel study. I have three auxiliary activities that go along with reading The Lost Secret of Fairies. They relate to science, author craft, and literature, specifically fairy tales and legends. So, let’s begin with the first activity followed by the study questions for chapters 4-6.

This is a link to a blog post written by me in how I get my ideas as an author. It is called: “How Do Writer’s Get Their Ideas?”

Here are the activity directions. It can be used in conjunction with the novel study or as a separate children’s reading activity.

  1. Read the blog post “How Do Writer’s Get Their Ideas?” by Tiffany Turner
  2. Print out the blog post if possible. Circle or highlight evidence or details you thing are important in regards to writers getting ideas.
  3. Now, answer the questions about the blog post below.
  • What are some examples that Mrs. Turner uses to explain how she got her ideas?
  • How do you get your ideas for your stories?
  • Bonus: Think about writing your favorite author about how they get their ideas. What would you ask them?

summer1Chapter 4 – 6: Study Guide Questions for The Lost Secret of Fairies

  1. What are character traits of Brewford that make him unusual?
  2. How does Wanda over come the obstacles she faces getting the spring water?
  3. What would you do if you had to face off those bullies?
  4. What would you say to Brewford if he was your cat?

Bonus: Have you ever been creek walking?

Tomorrow, I have a fabulous author and picture book to introduce you to, with more study guide questions and advice on how to keep a school at home routine.

Until then, keep reading and learning!

-Tiffany Turner

(Mrs. Turner)