Tag Archives: building self-confidence

Picture Book Review: The Little Book of Character Strengths


LittleBkStrengthcvrIf you are looking for a read-aloud at home or in the classroom, here is a great picture book for you on social morals. The Little Book of Character Strength by June Rousso, Ph.D. is a page-by-page summary of basic, good moral principles to instill in students and your child. Subjects include: love of learning, courage, perseverance, honesty, humanity, kindness, social intelligence, justice, fairness, leadership, temperance, humility and prudence just to name a few.

Each moral trait is defined and expressed in rhyming lines and beautiful anime-like watercolor illustrations. Each trait can be read daily to inspire a child or taken in groups to help with building vocabulary and character in school. They could also be used as writing prompts to get children to think deeper. I found it to be an interesting book that could be read a page at a time or in sections. It would make a great instructional tool for the classroom or at home.

The Little Book of Strengths is available at: Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com. 

***For more information on June Russo Ph.D., visit her website HERE!

Note: I was given a review copy for a fair and honest review. 😉


Children’s Picture Book Review: I am a Rockstar


RockstarBookCoverFor day three of my read-aloud collection recommendations for 2018, I present to you a unique take on a new type of pictures book. I am a Rockstar by Amy Hackler Thibeault is a unique positive affirmation picture book. Each set of pages deals with different issues in building self-image. This makes the book a unique read for bedtime and discussion time with parents, or can be used as a great start for the day.

Each set of pages has questions to think about and affirmations to confirm different issues children might struggle with in their self-confidence. From subjects such as setting goals, getting excited to learn new things, following the rules, taking care of your health to honoring those that support you, this is a well organized book to cover many topics children need to consider and learn while growing up.

I found that this would be a great read-aloud for especially the beginning of the year, to help bolster and bring a class together. Each set of pages had questions to be asked and discussed followed by positive affirmations that can be said individually or as a class. It can also be used mid-year to help reaffirm some of these skills that a class might still struggle with.

As a read-aloud at home, it would be great to start the day using the discussion questions and affirmations. It will also be a great way to create discussions at home.

I am a Rockstar is a great book to help get kids out of bed in the morning and excited about their day. I highly recommend it as a read-aloud for any classroom or home.

I am a Rockstar is available at: Barnes and Noble.com and Amazon.com.