Tag Archives: black history recommendation

Interview with Shanna Ward

Shanna Ward is the author of the picture book “Little John T. Ward and the Quilted Code: Let Ward Do It“.

Summer is upon us, and it’s time to think about keeping your child’s mind engaged in learning by reading. This is a crucial time to continue to stress reading so as to not lose the gains that happened during the last school year. This is easy to do with selected educational bedtime stories or on your child’s at home D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read) time.

I have a great summer reading and Juneteenth recommendation along with an interview with the author. “Little John T. Ward and the Quilted Code: Let Ward Do It” is a way to bring historical references to teaching about unity, friendship and the courage to speak out and make a difference. Using her connection to her ancestor, Shanna Ward has brought to life the story of a boy that helped fight oppression. She brings the insightfulness of a boy helping others with beautiful illustrations expressing the struggle and story. I had a chance to ask her some questions about what inspired her as a child, what her writing routine is like, and what she has planned along her writing path.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Shanna Ward: One of my favorite memories from reading as a child was sitting with my Grandparent’s parents before bedtime as they read my favorite story to me. It was such a comforting and bonding experience, and I always looked forward to spending summers with them. The characters and adventures from the story would come to life in my imagination, and it was a magical time that instilled in me a lifelong love for reading.

2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Shanna Ward: I have always been drawn to Judy Blume’s relatable and honest depictions of the joys and struggles of growing up. Her characters faced real-life challenges and emotions, making her books deeply resonant for me as a young reader. Blume fearlessly tackled topics like friendship, family, and the complexities of adolescence with authenticity and empathy. Her writing normalized the experiences and feelings I was navigating, making me feel seen and understood. Judy Blume’s ability to address sensitive subjects with compassion and understanding has had a lasting influence on my own approach to empathy and storytelling.

3) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

 Shanna Ward: I make it a habit to write every day, usually late at night when my mind is more creative. I start by outlining my main points and organizing my thoughts. Then, I dedicate uninterrupted time to writing and setting specific goals for the day. I find that this routine helps me maintain focus and productivity. Additionally, taking short breaks between writing sessions helps me stay energized and maintain a clear perspective on my work.

4) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

 Shanna Ward: I would like to explore writing about topics such as African American History, Insurance, and travel experiences. These subjects align with my interests and allow for creativity and exploration in my writing. Additionally, I am open to branching out into new areas that can expand my knowledge and offer fresh perspectives to my audience. I’m currently writing a psychological thriller and tap into narcissistic characteristics.

5) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Shanna Ward: To me, writing is a creative expression that allows me to articulate thoughts, share stories, and connect with others on a deeper level.

Book Blurb:

Join Little John T. Ward on a journey of kindness and courage as he, alongside his ponies Libby and Dom, discovers the power of unity and friendship. As he aids escaped slaves in finding their way to freedom, John T. and his community learn that even a small boy can make a big difference. With vibrant illustrations and heartwarming moments, this tale is perfect for young readers aged 6-9, teaching them the importance of helping others and working together. This book is an essential element to teaching about the injustices of slavery to the younger generation.

“Little John T. Ward and the Quilted Code: Let Ward Do It” is available on Amazon.com and is a Kindle Unlimited title.

For more information on Shanna Ward and her book, visit her website at: https://www.bequest1820project.com/.

Meet Shanna Ward in person at the Columbus Book Festival in the Indie Authors Alley.