Tag Archives: back to school books

Day 1 of the 2021 Back to School Blog Tour: Andreas Minnis


Welcome to the first day of the 2021 Back to School Blog Tour hosted by the Indie Children’s Authors Connection blog. I’m excited to host this very different school year, as many children return from online or hybrid learning to in-person school. Along with diverse and inspirational titles and authors this year, I want to tank all of the readers and followers of the blog that have part of the several years of this blog tour. You’re behind the success of this event. So, up front, thank you for coming back year after year.

Plus, check back each day for a new featured author and enter the $25 Amazon Gift Card giveaway. Fill out your class or home library. Winner will be chosen Monday, September 13, 2021.

Andreas Minnis is an eleven-year-old children’s author that has written the featured book, “Joshua Holt and the Bully.”

And without a further adieu, here is our first author of the blog tour, Andreas Minnis. He is an eleven-year-old author that inspires many children his age to get involved and help others. He lives in New Orleans, but is originally from the Bahamas. He’s been featured on several international news sites, and shares his messages to kids at schools and conferences worldwide. Andreas and his mom work together to run their own publishing company called Universal Impact Press. His new book, “Joshua Holt and the Bully” is a book with a journey of resilience, courage, and forgiveness. I had the chance to talk with Andreas Minnis about his writing process, how he gets his ideas, and what kind of writing projects he has in store for the future.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Andreas Minnis: My favorite memory of reading as a young child is reading the book “Strega Nona” with my mom, it was her favorite book when she was a kid!

2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?
Andreas Minnis: My favorite author is my mom! Aisha Wonderfull. She has encouraged me to share my story to help other people. She always says: Your story is about you, but it’s not for you.

3) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.
Andreas Minnis: I like to plan out my books, and then dedicate specific times to work on it. Usually the weekend! I work better when I block out time to get it all done.

4) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Andreas Minnis: I am going to keep writing about topics to help kids navigate being kids!

5) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Andreas Minnis: I love to write, and to share my experiences in stories that everyone else can relate to.

“Joshua Holt and the Bully” is the story of where bullying leads to friendship. Joshua is excited to be starting a new school year in the middle school. But his excitement disappears when he confronts his first enemy at school, a bully. Can Joshua learn that finding the courage to forgive can be the secret that saves everything?

“Joshua Holt and the Bully” is available at Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.com.

For more information on Andreas Minnis, please visit his publisher’s website, Universal Impact Press.

Thank you for stopping by on the first day of the Back to School Blog Tour 2021. Don’t forget to enter the giveaway for a $25 Amazon Gift Card below. Return for a new chance each day, and for a new featured Indie Children’s Author.

(Note: Giveaway is powered by Rafflecopter. Give away starts at midnight, Pacific Daylight Time, Sept. 6, 2021.)

New Picture Book Release: “I Don’t Want to Wear a Mask!” Coronavirus Pandemic Back to School Support


I have a surprise for everyone. I have written a picture book to help support all the parents and teachers during these strange times. It’s called “I Don’t Want to Wear a Mask!”. It helps children validate their feelings with all the strange routine changes, and models a parent lovingly supporting and validating their little one’s emotional turmoil. With all the different return-to-school programs through out the country, structure and safety is what kids need to help them right now. I wanted to help reassure them, and support their emotional needs.

“Back to School” has never been so difficult. Some school districts are returning to in-person school, some are remaining online with distance learning, and others are doing a combination of both depending on their communities. With so many changes, parents and children need support in adapting to these new structures. So, I wrote a loving and supportive book to help children understand the changes around them.

I targeted the preschooler and kindergartener, even though the book could be read up through third grade. It will hopefully lead to discussions and communication with parents, teachers, and the children that are going through this huge, educational upheaval together.

Tiffany Turner is the author of “I Don’t Want to Wear a Mask!” and head editor/writer of this blog.

I am an elementary teacher that has been writing and self-publishing for children since 2007. I’ve also been a teacher for 20 years. I have a middle reader series, and another self-published picture book called “Pumper the Pumpkin.” For this new book, I hired a fabulous illustrator from Columbia, Natalia Cuno. She captures the beautiful warmth and caring that I wanted to convey with this book.

I invite you to check out the book on Amazon.com. It is available as an ebook for many tablets and the Kindle phone app as well as a print edition. I welcome feedback in its many forms, such as reviews or as comments below in this post. I would love to hear what you think and how your child reacts to the book.

We can all get through this together, and remember to wear a mask.

-Tiffany Turner

Day 5: Back to School Blog Tour 2020


Welcome to the last day of the Back to School Blog Tour. I hope you have enjoyed all of our featured authors this week, and have added to your home or class online library. I’d like to wrap up this fabulous week by introducing you to my last featured author, Thomasina M. D’Arezzo. She is a published poet, and has written children’s books and women’s fiction.  She lives in New England citing autumn being one of her favorite seasons. She enjoys hiking, acting and listening to music when not involved in writing. She’s proud of her recent college graduate son.

Thomasina M. D’Arezzo is the children’s author of the mystery children’s book, “Marco The Mini Sleuth: Where did the Kitten Go?”

Her recent book, “Marco The Mini Sleuth: Where did the Kitten Go?” is a fun mystery adventure that any kid can get lost in. Great for writing assignments or studying the mystery genre, this book will introduce your child to her fantastic Marco The Mini Sleuth series. I had a chance to talk to Thomasina about her childhood reading interests, writing process, and what writing means to her.

1) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Thomasina M. D’Arezzo: For Children’s books there are multiple that I like. I enjoy a lot of classic tales. I particularly enjoyed “The Tale of Peter Rabbit” by Beatrix Potter and “Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll.

2) Do you have a writing routine?

Thomasina M. D’Arezzo: When writing a novel I have a routine where I try to write 5000 words per day. When writing a children’s book, I will sit on the idea for a while in my head before I bring it all to life.

3) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Thomasina M. D’Arezzo: It’s a beautiful escape from reality! A world where you can create what you want!

“Marco The Mini Sleuth: Where did the Kitten Go?” is a great mystery for any child to get lost in. Marco’s cousins have recently lost their new kitten. Marco is on the case. By using his magical magnifying glass, he goes out looking for clues. They all work together to solve the mystery, but they get side tracked along the way. Will the clues lead them to the kitten in time?

“Marco The Mini Sleuth: Where did the Kitten Go?” is available at Amazon.com.

To close out this year’s blog tour, I’d like to announce two things.

  • It’s not too late to still enter the Back to School 2020 Blog Tour $25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway. The giveaway will be open through the end of the week, and will close for entries on Sept. 7, 2020. The winner will be announced next week on the blog. CLICK HERE TO ENTER!
  • New picture book release: I Don’t Want to Wear A Mask

I’ve been working feverishly on this project the last few months, and I’m happy to announce it’s release during this year’s Back to School Blog Tour. This picture book is a great way to help children validate their anxiety and concerns about the pandemic and how it is changing our lives.

A little about my new book:

Trying to teach your child about the importance of wearing a mask in school?

Albert is returning to school. But this year is different than all others before. He has to wear a mask. The COVID-19 Virus has spread around the world in the first pandemic in one hundred years. He has been studying at home, and has missed a lot of things. He misses his friends in preschool. He misses his teacher. He misses being outside and playing on the playground. But for his first day of Kindergarten, he has to wear a mask. Will talking with his mother about the reasons to wear masks help Albert understand how he can be a superhero?

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This picture book helps children understand the importance of wearing a mask in school. They can be a superhero just like Albert as they wear a mask like other adult heroes in grocery stores, post offices or libraries. Teach your little one the importance of mask wearing as they return to in-person school or prepare for online distance learning. Help children understand the new normal happening around them and why it is important. This book is recommended for ages 3 to 8. It’s available on Amazon.com as a print or ebook edition.

I want to thank all of the participating authors for sharing a little of themselves and their fabulous books. I look forward to this blog tour highlighting unique, Indie children’s authors at the beginning of each school year.

This year is so very different than many others, and I hope the book recommendations, interviews and my resources are supportive and helpful to parents and teachers during this school year of 2020 -2021.

***Please follow my blog to find out about wonderful, fabulous Indie children’s authors and their books all year long!

Until next year, remember to keep reading and writing,

-Mrs. Turner

Day 3: Back to School Blog Tour 2020


back2schoolbanner2020Welcome to day three of the Back to School Blog Tour. Today, I’d like to introduce you to the featured author for today, Devin Martin. During the day he’s his school community’s “Mr. Lunch Lady”. At night, he writes up a storm of stories to emphasize empathy, understanding, self-awareness, and reassure the next generation. In his book, “Mama Nuni”, he’s brought to life a fantastic character in Mama. Mama Nuni’s ranch is her version of heaven where she teaches her students lessons of life. When she hires a clumsy ranch hand, he becomes the catalyst for teaching kindness and empathy. This book is a teaching treat for many instructors and parents.


Devin Martin is the author of the children’s book, “Mama Nuni”.

I had the chance to talk to Devin about his childhood reading memories, writing process, and what he has in store for us with future projects.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Devin Martin: My favorite memory from reading as a child, would have to be my 3rd grade teacher reading Witches to the class. She would get all animated and creep through the rows of desks, and use crazy witch voices. She was awesome! She would make us read a paragraph, so I would try to jump ahead and memorize my paragraph so I didn’t mess up when it was my turn. Never worked. HAHA!

 2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Devin Martin: My favorite author growing up those early years would have to be Joanna Cole. “The Magic School Bus” was my go-to-the-T.V. show. Matched up with the books, I just retained so much information. After that, I really didn’t start reading for fun again until late in high school. I got into autobiographies of people and athletes I was interested in.

3) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Devin Martin: All of my stories start as a poem. I like to think, they are better described as allegories. I use thesauruses often, to help with imagery in the words. Sometimes it takes me 5 minutes. Sometimes it takes me a week to write one story.

4) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Devin Martin: All of my books will be related to reasoning with the human condition. We, as parents, often have a hard time reasoning with our kids (for obvious reasons ;-), let alone trying to educate them on what it means to be reasonable and self-aware, especially in those elementary age years. So in the future, you will see more content related to attitude and effort, understanding, empathy, personal accountability, etc.

5) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Devin Martin: For me writing is what binds emotions and logic.

MamaNuniCover-DevinMartin“Mama Nuni” has a big heart, and loves teaching valuable lessons on her ranch. It’s her heaven on Earth. When she hires a clumsy ranch hand, she discovers that her students are teasing him. Seizing the opportunity to instill a lesson of tolerance, kindness and empathy, she works towards showing her students the importance of standing up for others. This heartwarming story shows the power of showing kindness to others and the ability to use the power of love.

“Mama Nuni” is available at: Amazon.com.

For more information on Devin Martin, please visit his Facebook page at https://m.facebook.com/jrshoocreativeinc.

Don’t forget, there is still time to enter the Back to School Blog Tour Giveaway. You can enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card hosted by Rafflecopter.com.


Plus, each day I’m including links to help parents and teachers with distance learning. Back when everyone went into the pandemic lockdown during the spring, I wrote up a complete on-line novel to go along with my first book, The Lost Secret of Fairies. 

Here is the link for the full FREE online novel study. Download all the helpful graphic organizers for journal entries, character traits essay responses, theme & message exercises, and an essay short answer test at the end of the study. I developed it over the last couple of years I taught in the classroom, and offer it for free to go along with my book. Hopefully, it will be helpful in your distance learning planning.


Tomorrow, another children’s author interview and more links to help support distance learning during these crazy, pandemic times. Until then, keep reading and writing!

-Mrs. Turner





Day 2: Back to School Blog Tour 2020


back2schoolbanner2020Welcome to the second day of the Back to School Blog Tour 2020. This is such an unusual year. So, I’m gathering fantastic authors to help support children and parents during this crazy, pandemic. I’m sure between supervising instruction at home and helping your child, you’d love to hear about how to support their mental wellness. Maybe even your child misses their extra curricular activities such as sports, classes or even music. Supporting children with problems that may still occur is a great way to continue their emotional development, especially if it can be through literature.


Karen Goeller is the author of the children’s book, “Missy’s Voice”.

Karen Goeller has an athletic background to bring to her authorship. She has taught gymnastics training and coached several State Champions. She has also appeared in many TV shows such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Gotham, Law & Order and other commercial appearances. Her love for writing arose when she had an accident in 2000, and found writing to be a therapy while she was bed-ridden. From her struggles growing up, she has written many gymnastic-themed books to help children through their growing pains. Her book, Missy’s Voice, tells the story of a young singer dealing with bullying at school.

I had a chance to talk to Karen about her childhood reading memories, her writing process, and what writing means to her.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Karen Goeller: I did not like reading as a child, but I enjoy writing and have over twenty published books.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Karen Goeller: I do not have a writing routine. I write when I have the creative bug or when I feel I have something to say. Once I start a project I push through, almost non-stop until finished. 

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Karen Goeller: Writing is expressing thoughts and sharing with the world.

KarenGoeller-missys-voice-coverMissy’s Voice is a story that tells about a young girl that loves to sing. She became popular from the local school talent show, and some of the other girls start to bully her. Will she be able to show them that she is unique? Will jealousy lose to positive kindness as Missy faces her tormentors?

“Missy’s Voice” is available at Amazon.com, and BarnesandNoble.com, and at the author’s website, www.MissysVoice.com.

For more information about about the author, please visit her website at:


Remember, you have all week to enter the blog tour giveaway for the $25 Amazon Gift Card.

Here’s the link to enter:


Plus, to support parents, I wrote a blog post a few months ago to help you set up a structure for your little ones to do distance learning at home.

Here is the link to the blog article:

Tips for Parents During the Long Distance Learning During Corona Virus

  • Has downloadable home study rules.
  • Tips to help create structure for learning at home.

More still to come. Check back daily and follow the blog!

Until tomorrow,

-Tiffany Turner

Head writer/Editor

Indie Children’s Authors Connection Blog








Day 1: Back to School Blog Tour 2020


back2schoolbanner2020Welcome to the first day of the Back to School Blog Tour for 2020. In these unusual times, I wanted to keep to my traditional events and create a fabulous blog tour to support all the teachers and students learning virtually this school year. All the interviews and books mentioned this week would make create read-alouds, novel studies, and independent reading for students as support for these unusual times.

Before I get into my fabulous first author’s interview, I wanted to give you the link to the Blog Tour Giveaway. All week, it will be open to take entries to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card. Come back each day to enter again. The winner will be announced next week.

Back to School 2020 Blog Tour Giveaway Link Here! (Run through Rafflecopter.com).


Casey Gale is the author of the children’s book, “Always Together.”

With that introduction, I’d like you to meet my first author. Casey Gale spends a lot of her time helping others to find cost effective housing in her community. She works towards dedicating her time to fight hunger and to assist non-profit organizations to educate families and youth. She’s taken her experiences as well as being a single mom and parent, to create her first children’s book, “Always Together.” This book helps to bridge a relationship between mother and daughter through love.

I had a chance to talk to Casey Gale about her memories of reading as a child, her favorite authors, and what she has in store for future projects.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Casey Gale: I loved going to the bookstore with my grandma and then coming home retreating to my room or the tree house cuddled with pillows and a blanket. I would be taken away on an adventure for hours. Often times I couldn’t bring my current read to school as I would be distracted. J

Now my bag always has a book in it.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Casey Gale: The Nancy Drew series is what really sparked my love of reading.

  • What advice do you have for aspiring writers?

Casey Gale: Don’t hesitate, it’s your story, go for it! Whether you pursue a publishing house or self publish, it’s your vision…there are many options for you to achieve your goal of being a published author. Sometimes the fear won’t go away so you’ll have to do it afraid!

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Casey Gale: I have two other books The Adventures of Midnight and Midnight In Maui with the publisher. Midnight is my black cat. I’m also working on a novel that is based on true events.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Casey Gale: Experiencing a vacation, creative and real life, and expressing real life vulnerabilities.

AlwaysTogether-Cvr“Always Together” is a loving letter to all daughters from their mothers. Told with rhyming lines, this story helps convey the inner thoughts of a mother to her daughter as she grows up. It’s an ode told by a mother to help all daughters understand their mother’s love and actions to bring them closer together. In times such as these, stressing love and relationships is something that all mother’s want to reaffirm. Bring comfort and connection with your little one as a read aloud or for the start of the school year.

“Always Together” is available at Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.com.

For more information or to connect with the author, visit her Amazon Author page or at her social media:

Instagram: @caseygaleus
Facebook: @caseygaleofficial

Thanks for stopping by today. Look forward daily posts all week with more featured books, author interviews and links to helpful, supportive blog posts during these crazy, pandemic times. Until tomorrow, keep reading!

-Tiffany Turner

Head writer/Editor

Indie Children’s Authors Connection Blog


Coming Soon: Back to School Blog Tour 2020


BacktoSchoolBlogTour2020It’s almost here. The 8th Annual Back to School Blog Tour is ready to launch on Monday, Aug. 31. This year, there will be a line-up of authors and featured books to help support kids, parents and teachers during this challenging year. With changes in routine to going to school masked or online, kids and parents are facing different challenges than ever before. I’ve lined up a variety of authors and their books to help support creative learning, children’s literature and distance learning.

back2schoolbanner2020Here is the line-up of authors for this year:

  1. Casey Gale
  2. Karen Goeller
  3. Devin Martin
  4. Craig R. Hazen
  5. Thomasina M. D’Arezzo

Each author will be featured each day of the blog tour. Feel free to visit information about their blogs/websites and about their featured book. As an added treat, I will be giving away a $25 Amazon Gift Card through a Rafflecopter giveaway. Just visit the link to win all week, and the winner will be announced after the blog tour is over.

Come join all the fun and get to know some new, fabulous children’s authors!

The Back to School Blog Tour will be Monday, Aug. 31 through Friday, Sept. 4. Hosted here by the Indie Children’s Authors Connection.

***Follow my blog to get all of the posts emailed to you.

See you next Monday!

-Tiffany Turner

Interview with K.A. Ashton


Keva N Daughter

K.A. Ashton and her daughter are co-authors of the book, “Smiling Back at You”.

With school opening around the corner, it will be back to schoolbooks, virtual learning and/or some in class interaction. The life lessons will still need to be taught, and I’ve found a great book to help kids deal with believing in yourself and stand up to bullying.

Meet K.A. Ashton. She and her daughter co-authored the book, “Smiling Back at You”. I had a chance to talk with K.A. Ashton about her childhood reading memories, favorite authors, and subjects she’d like to explore as an author. 

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

K.A. Ashton: My Favorite Memory reading as a child was reading mystery books and getting lost in the story!

2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

K.A. Ashton: My favorite author was Carolyn Keene who authored the Nancy Drew Series.

3) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

K.A. Ashton: I would love to write about balancing personal development working through Corporate America.

smilingbackyouCVRpromo“Smiling Back at You” is a book where children can learn to believe in themselves and stand up to bullies. Sugar is learning to deal with the tough things, including bullying. Join her in discovering what it means to enjoy being yourself and find the strength to stand up for whom you are.

“Smiling Back at You” is available at http://publishingadvantagegroup.com/smilingbackatyou/.



Day 2 of the 2019 Back to School Blog Tour



Vijaya Bodach is author of the novel, Bound.

Welcome back to DAY TWO of the Seventh Annual Back to School Blog Tour. I’d like to introduce you to today’s featured author: Vijaya Bodach. She is a scientist as well as a children’s writer that has recently started publishing her own books as Bodach Books. She has written over 60 children’s books, including Ten Easter Eggs, along with magazine articles, stories and poems. Bound is her first novel. I had the chance to ask Vijaya about her childhood reading memories, what inspires her, and what future projects she has planned.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Vijaya Bodach: I remember learning to read on my own at the age of six and how it opened the world for me. I no longer had to ask anybody to read me a story. I loved the freedom it gave me to read as many books as I could on our regular trips to the library and then picking out four books of my own to bring home for a month.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Vijaya Bodach: My favorite author was Enid Blyton when I was young. She wrote imaginative tales of animals—I loved how Brer Rabbit always outsmarted the other bigger animals. She also wrote realistic boarding school and adventure stories. It was pure entertainment always filled with interesting tidbits of information. It reminds me always that what matters most is a good story.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Vijaya Bodach: I began writing when I became a mother so I was a night-time writer for a few years until the children started school. I’d steal a few minutes at the kitchen counter during the day to jot down thoughts and ideas and those 10-20 min added up. Once I got the children off to school, I’d get to my writing after doing morning chores. I got a couple of good 90-min blocks to write most days. I’d write a bit after supper and on the weekends if I had deadlines to meet. My husband was very supportive by taking care of the children. My kids are grown and away at college now, but I suspect I’ll stick to the school routine.

One thing I did from the beginning was to reserve one day per week for the business aspects—querying, submitting, researching magazines and book publishers. I need to start doing this again. It’s so easy to get lost in your own world and neglect the business aspects in writing.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Vijaya Bodach: I have several picture book biographies I want to write but my characters from BOUND are again talking in my head. So, I need to pay attention to them first. Their lives have been percolating for over a year.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Vijaya Bodach: Writing allows me to think more deeply about the questions that haunt me.

vidjaya cover bookSeventeen-year-old Rebecca Joshi, an adopted girl from India, burn survivor, and primary caretaker of her intellectually disabled sister, Joy, has the one dream to be a physician. Her traditional Indian father relies upon Rebecca to care for Joy while he buries himself in work to drown his grief over his wife’s death. Leaving home is the only way Rebecca can envision reaching her goal.

She helps Joy develop greater independence, and is devastated when Joy becomes pregnant. Rebecca tussles–with her father and with herself–over who is responsible for Joy and her baby. When Rebecca discovers the truth of what happened the day she was burned, she struggles to hold onto her dream while wrestling with questions of life, love, and responsibility.

This will make a great YA book for any high school classroom. Great gift for the beginning of school.

Bound is available at Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble.com.

For more information on the author, Vijaya Bodach, please visit her website/blog at:


back2schoolbanner2019Plus, for a chance to enter and win a $25 Amazon Gift Card for visiting during the Back to School Blog Tour, please visit the Rafflecopter giveaway link below. Winner will be announced Monday, Sept. 16, 2019.


**Come back tomorrow for another featured Indie Children’s Author!