Tag Archives: Andrea Minnis

Day 1 of the 2021 Back to School Blog Tour: Andreas Minnis


Welcome to the first day of the 2021 Back to School Blog Tour hosted by the Indie Children’s Authors Connection blog. I’m excited to host this very different school year, as many children return from online or hybrid learning to in-person school. Along with diverse and inspirational titles and authors this year, I want to tank all of the readers and followers of the blog that have part of the several years of this blog tour. You’re behind the success of this event. So, up front, thank you for coming back year after year.

Plus, check back each day for a new featured author and enter the $25 Amazon Gift Card giveaway. Fill out your class or home library. Winner will be chosen Monday, September 13, 2021.

Andreas Minnis is an eleven-year-old children’s author that has written the featured book, “Joshua Holt and the Bully.”

And without a further adieu, here is our first author of the blog tour, Andreas Minnis. He is an eleven-year-old author that inspires many children his age to get involved and help others. He lives in New Orleans, but is originally from the Bahamas. He’s been featured on several international news sites, and shares his messages to kids at schools and conferences worldwide. Andreas and his mom work together to run their own publishing company called Universal Impact Press. His new book, “Joshua Holt and the Bully” is a book with a journey of resilience, courage, and forgiveness. I had the chance to talk with Andreas Minnis about his writing process, how he gets his ideas, and what kind of writing projects he has in store for the future.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Andreas Minnis: My favorite memory of reading as a young child is reading the book “Strega Nona” with my mom, it was her favorite book when she was a kid!

2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?
Andreas Minnis: My favorite author is my mom! Aisha Wonderfull. She has encouraged me to share my story to help other people. She always says: Your story is about you, but it’s not for you.

3) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.
Andreas Minnis: I like to plan out my books, and then dedicate specific times to work on it. Usually the weekend! I work better when I block out time to get it all done.

4) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Andreas Minnis: I am going to keep writing about topics to help kids navigate being kids!

5) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Andreas Minnis: I love to write, and to share my experiences in stories that everyone else can relate to.

“Joshua Holt and the Bully” is the story of where bullying leads to friendship. Joshua is excited to be starting a new school year in the middle school. But his excitement disappears when he confronts his first enemy at school, a bully. Can Joshua learn that finding the courage to forgive can be the secret that saves everything?

“Joshua Holt and the Bully” is available at Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.com.

For more information on Andreas Minnis, please visit his publisher’s website, Universal Impact Press.

Thank you for stopping by on the first day of the Back to School Blog Tour 2021. Don’t forget to enter the giveaway for a $25 Amazon Gift Card below. Return for a new chance each day, and for a new featured Indie Children’s Author.

(Note: Giveaway is powered by Rafflecopter. Give away starts at midnight, Pacific Daylight Time, Sept. 6, 2021.)