Tag Archives: alphabet book

Interview with Catherine Anderson-Barnes


For those teachers and home school parents looking for a wonderful way to tie several subjects together into a thematic teaching unit for your young students or child, here is a unique alphabet book for you. Moving Through the Alphabet an Animal’s Way” combines fun facts for each letter, coordinated animal exercises and care of the body for a healthy inclusion in the curriculum. Best of all, it has beautiful and engaging illustrations.

I was honored to talk to the author of the book, Catherine Anderson-Barnes. A former educator, Mrs. Anderson-Barnes created a fantastic new perspective for learning the alphabet that is engaging and crosses several curriculum subjects. I got the chance to talk with her about her inspiration and several important aspects of her book.

1) From where did you get the ideas/inspiration for your books?

Catherine Anderson-Barnes: I have taught nutrition and health education for over 25 years, specializing in educating young children. Although I cherished being an educator, I found it important to resign my position to care for my late husband who was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. During this time I remained passionate about working with children and was inspired to write a series of children’s books that would focus on health and wellness and incorporate the A, B, C’s. I took many of the learning experiences that had worked so well for me in the classroom, over those many years, and successfully transferred the lessons to paper.  

2) How can parents and teachers best use these books?

Catherine Anderson-Barnes: The books are filled with a great variety of learning opportunities: Learning colors, letters (upper and lower case), parts of our body, how foods play a role in our overall health, the importance of being physically active, fruit and vegetable recognition, animal recognition, and how animals are similar and different from us.

3) What do you think kids will like most about your books?

Catherine Anderson-Barnes: Children are sure to enjoy the vibrant colors, the whimsical fruit, vegetable and animal characters, be amazed by how fruits and vegetables assist different parts of our bodies, and act out each animal’s unique characteristics.

“Moving Through the Alphabet an Animal’s Way A to Z” is a picture book designed to focus on the role physical activity plays in our body’s health. Children are introduced to the ABC’s by animals from around the world. Each letter has a set of fun facts and physical activity associated with that animal’s movement. Role-play for physical activity while learning your ABC’s in an inspirational environment in this unique ABC book.

“Moving Through the Alphabet an Animal’s Way A to Z” is available on Amazon in hardcover and paperback editions. It is available as a Kindle Unlimited digital title.