Tag Archives: 2013 reflection

A Look At 2013: Embracing “Why Not?”


Topic: Ask Yourself "Why Not?"

Topic: Ask Yourself “Why Not?”

Why not? I found myself thinking and saying this to a lot of choices, ideas, and areas of life in 2013. It’s been the drive for my writing this year, and has propelled me into areas I didn’t think possible. So, I’ll start here. The place I didn’t think I would be. Three children’s books published as an Indie Self Published writer. Other romance book projects underway. And several book signings, one book award, and one book blog tour organized. It’s been a hell of a year.
Tiffany Turner at the 2013 Almaden Lake Art and Wine Festival

Tiffany Turner at the 2013 Almaden Lake Art and Wine Festival

I started the journey into 2013 reflecting on my visit to Hobbiton. Little did I know it would take me to “No Limit” writing and tips on how to promote your self published book. I received an honorary mention in the Children’s Category at the 2013 San Francisco Book Festival for The Lost Secret of Dragonfire, my third book released in the Crystal Keeper Chronicles. I managed to get a book signing at a local book store, Art and Wine festival, and reading night for a local school. I’ve definitely taken the local approach in promotion.

Tiffany Turner(middle center) excepting the Honorable Mention Award for Children's Books at the San Francisco Book Festival 2013 for The Lost Secret of Dragonfire.

Tiffany Turner(middle center) excepting the Honorable Mention Award for Children’s Books at the San Francisco Book Festival 2013 for The Lost Secret of Dragonfire.

Plus, I’ve been working on some other genre projects such in NA Romance and a Time Travel Romance novel which my editor answered, “You go girl.” Why was it possible. Because everytime I started to doubt myself I answered, “Why not?”. Really. It works. Whenever you start to hear that little voice of distain or doubt, answer yourself, “Why not?”. I guarantee there will be some pull to resist. But keep saying it, why not? Why shouldn’t you write romance? Why shouldn’t you do an Art and Wine festival? Why shouldn’t you write novelettes?

“I can” doesn’t work for the every present pessimist inside me. “Why not?” turns all my doubts to jelly. I don’t know if it’s a Gen X thing, but something is always trying to find a reason to disable my motivation. I’m constantly finding holes in my balloon of life. The glass is always half filled.

“Why not?” opens the paths inside to the new freedom of “I can”. It changes the negative pathways with a shift to “What is stopping you?”. In the end, you are the biggest block. Don’t wait. Give it a try now. If you’ve wanted to write that novel before you retire, start now. You might have a few under your belt and maybe you can retire early. It’s a great way to end the year. Or start a new one. You won’t be disappointed if you have no disappointment to draw from.

To all of my readers and fans, a very Happy Holiday season and best wishes in 2014! Have a great New Year!

**This post is part of the monthly
“Indie Life” posts linked on the Indelibles Blog.

The Lost Secret of Dragonfire is available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

The Lost Secret of Dragonfire is available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

***Tiffany Turner has released her third book, The Lost Secret of Dragonfire, in her Crystal Keeper series. She continues to teach fourth graders in California while writing fantasy adventure middle grade novels. She is working on other writing projects in her No Limits Writing practices. She actively plays the Gaelic Harp at Renaissance festivals throughout Northern California.