Interview for Kevin Asla

Kevin Asla is the author of the new picture book, “When Fitch Lost Summer”.

If you have a child that loves fantasy, look no further. I’d like to introduce you to Kevin Asla. He’s a children’s picture book author that illustrates and writes his own books. He grew up in London surrounded by his mother’s books. Having studied under an ex-Disney illustrator, he wishes to bring what he has learned to his work. His new book, “When Fitch Lost Summer” reflects the magic he brings into his books as the illustrator and writer.

I had the chance to talk to Kevin Asla about his reading memories, favorite authors, and what future projects he has in store for us.

  1. What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Kevin Asla: My mother would get me books every day, so it’s hard to pick a favourite moment.

2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Kevin Asla: My influence comes more from the storytelling found in video games like Spyro the Dragon.

3) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Kevin Asla: I tend to write stories by primarily using storyboards and refining dialogue once the main action of the scene has been set up. I have the whole stories skeleton pretty much clear in my head and then storyboard chunks, a few pages at a time, with some place holder dialogue and then go back in and lock down the words.

4) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Kevin Asla: I am currently finishing the “When Fitch Lost Summer” series, but after that, I would like to write a more educational book about Vikings.

5) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Kevin Asla: Writing is story-telling, presenting viewers with a fantasy and hope they enjoy it.

“When Fitch Lost Summer” is a charming fantasy about a Fox looking for a Lost World of Summer. Fox wakes up in the mysterious Land of Autumn. Where did Summer go? Fitch sets off to look for Summer. Along the way, he encounters new friends and strange, magical things. But will it be enough to get him back to Summer?

“When Fitch Lost Summer” is available on and Barnes and

Ebooks are also available on and Barnes and

For more information on Kevin Asla, please visit his website at


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