Interview with Judith A. Proffer

Judith A. Proffer is the author of the children’s book, “We Stayed At Home”.

With all the new changes with COVID and distance learning, it’s hard for children to understand why the changes are happening and to safely follow all the new expected procedures. I’ve found a great book that revisits the story that happened to us all this spring, and why it’s so important to embrace the changes in our lives and stay safe for everyone.

Judith A. Proffer is the co-author of the book “We Stayed At Home”.  Written with co-author Tara Fass, a licensed marriage and family therapist, this book helps illustrate the ups and downs that children are experiencing with the virus, and how they can be supported with school, home life, and their general well being. I had a chance to talk to Judith about her reading memories as a child, favorite authors, inspirations and why she loves to write.

1) What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Judith A. Proffer: Visiting the library weekly with my mother and sisters, we each could select a handful of books. It was such a rich experience. And for me it was more than the content, it was also about illustration, the feel of the paper, the typography. The entire book appreciation experience. I may have even smelled a brand new book or two. I shall neither confirm nor deny that.

2) Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Judith A. Proffer: Asking me to name a favorite author is akin to asking me to consider my favorite song or book or dog. As a child I wasn’t a finicky reader, I enjoyed a swath of genres. I have a crush on storytellers and writers. As for how they may have influenced me. I learned early on that words don’t need to be particularly hefty or fancy to make an impact. They just need to be the right word in the right sentence to pack a powerful punch.

3) Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Judith A. Proffer: I love writing with my morning tea. I love writing in my rose garden at sunlight’s golden hour. And I even love those 2 a.m. moments of inspiration.

4) What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Judith A. Proffer: Travel, climate change, honoring the heroes among us.

5) What is writing to you in one sentence?

Judith A. Proffer: Writing is the purest expression of my truest self.

“When We Stayed Home” is a wonderfully, illustrated book that helps children cheer themselves on during these unusual times. It honors their role as “superheroes” by staying home and learning, but validating the necessity of the sacrifice of keeping distance, avoiding playgrounds, and limiting visits with family and friends. Co-authored with a family and marriage therapist, this book will help families navigate the bumps of the pandemic with a dash of hope and optimism.

For more information on Judith A. Proffer, please visit her website at:

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