Day 1: Back to School Blog Tour 2020


back2schoolbanner2020Welcome to the first day of the Back to School Blog Tour for 2020. In these unusual times, I wanted to keep to my traditional events and create a fabulous blog tour to support all the teachers and students learning virtually this school year. All the interviews and books mentioned this week would make create read-alouds, novel studies, and independent reading for students as support for these unusual times.

Before I get into my fabulous first author’s interview, I wanted to give you the link to the Blog Tour Giveaway. All week, it will be open to take entries to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card. Come back each day to enter again. The winner will be announced next week.

Back to School 2020 Blog Tour Giveaway Link Here! (Run through


Casey Gale is the author of the children’s book, “Always Together.”

With that introduction, I’d like you to meet my first author. Casey Gale spends a lot of her time helping others to find cost effective housing in her community. She works towards dedicating her time to fight hunger and to assist non-profit organizations to educate families and youth. She’s taken her experiences as well as being a single mom and parent, to create her first children’s book, “Always Together.” This book helps to bridge a relationship between mother and daughter through love.

I had a chance to talk to Casey Gale about her memories of reading as a child, her favorite authors, and what she has in store for future projects.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

Casey Gale: I loved going to the bookstore with my grandma and then coming home retreating to my room or the tree house cuddled with pillows and a blanket. I would be taken away on an adventure for hours. Often times I couldn’t bring my current read to school as I would be distracted. J

Now my bag always has a book in it.

  • Who was your favorite author and how did they influence you?

Casey Gale: The Nancy Drew series is what really sparked my love of reading.

  • What advice do you have for aspiring writers?

Casey Gale: Don’t hesitate, it’s your story, go for it! Whether you pursue a publishing house or self publish, it’s your vision…there are many options for you to achieve your goal of being a published author. Sometimes the fear won’t go away so you’ll have to do it afraid!

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

Casey Gale: I have two other books The Adventures of Midnight and Midnight In Maui with the publisher. Midnight is my black cat. I’m also working on a novel that is based on true events.

  • What is writing to you in one sentence?

Casey Gale: Experiencing a vacation, creative and real life, and expressing real life vulnerabilities.

AlwaysTogether-Cvr“Always Together” is a loving letter to all daughters from their mothers. Told with rhyming lines, this story helps convey the inner thoughts of a mother to her daughter as she grows up. It’s an ode told by a mother to help all daughters understand their mother’s love and actions to bring them closer together. In times such as these, stressing love and relationships is something that all mother’s want to reaffirm. Bring comfort and connection with your little one as a read aloud or for the start of the school year.

“Always Together” is available at and Barnes and

For more information or to connect with the author, visit her Amazon Author page or at her social media:

Instagram: @caseygaleus
Facebook: @caseygaleofficial

Thanks for stopping by today. Look forward daily posts all week with more featured books, author interviews and links to helpful, supportive blog posts during these crazy, pandemic times. Until tomorrow, keep reading!

-Tiffany Turner

Head writer/Editor

Indie Children’s Authors Connection Blog


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