Interview with L.M. Dunn


With all the hoopla of Halloween over, you might be looking for a sweet book to read to your little one at night. I’ve found a nice, cuddly dog picture book for you called George Loves A Stick. I had a chance to interview the author L.M. Dunn about her childhood memories, writing process, and what she has in story for us.

  • What is your favorite memory from reading as a child?

L.M. Dunn: How To Eat Fried Worms was my favorite book as a kid.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

L.M. Dunn: I write by hand on paper, then type the first draft on the computer, print and edit by hand. Then do it again until it’s right.

  • What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?

L.M. Dunn: I’ll be writing more children’s books as well as adult sci fi, thriller, spiritual, et al. Writing is my passion.

GeorgeLovesStickcvrGeorge Loves A Stick is a darling picture book involving a dog and his stick. It takes you on an adventure of what a dog will experience in a day as he roams around, plays with other dogs, explores, and makes friend with his favorite stick. But when he gets in a tug of war with his brother over the stick, which will win?

This delightful picture book will make a great addition to any child’s library that loves dogs.

George Loves A Stick is available at and

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