Upcoming 7th Annual Back to School Blog Tour 2019 Sept. 9 – 13


back2schoolbanner2019It’s time to start finalizing authors for the 7th Annual Back to School Blog! I’m looking for authors of picture books, beginning chapter books, middle grade or YA. I have several free slots open, but also will take sign-ups through my Fiverr gig which will guarantee you a spot in the blog tour.

The dates for the blog tour are Monday, Sept. 9 through Friday, Sept. 13.

Link to Fiverr Gig here:


For Free Sign Up with Limited spots, fill out the form here:


Last year, I had to double up on spots with two featured authors a day. Which was fantastic! I love getting the word out about fabulous books and the Indie children’s authors that write them.

Plus, there will be a blog tour giveaway which will be for a $25 Amazon gift card for a lucky follower of the blog. Just stop by on any day of the tour to enter. You can have one entry a day. 😉

There will also be some individual giveaways by the authors in which you can enter on the day they are featured.

So, come by to find out about awesome children’s books, enter to win prizes, and support Indie children’s authors. Until then,

summer1-Mrs. Turner

Author of the Crystal Keeper’s Chronicles series.

A Fantasy Adventure where fairies are real and they need your help.

Do you dare?

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