Spring Break “The Lost Secret of Fairies” Giveaway on Amazon

Print book giveaway for the first Crystal Keeper Chronicle book on Amazon April 1-7.

Print book giveaway for the first Crystal Keeper Chronicle book on Amazon April 1-7.

It’s time for Spring Break for many of us. And I thought it would be great to have something fun to celebrate vacation, a giveaway. Nothing better than reading over a break. Plus, Amazon is my co-sponsor. So, to get in on the fun, go to this link and enter. Up to five copies will be given away. There is a winner after a certain number of entries. Only I know the secret number. It will continue until all copies are given away or until April 7. I love giving away reading opportunities. Please share what you think of the book if you’re a winner. I always love reading reviews and keep all feedback in mind when writing.

Link to Win Your COPY of The Lost Secret of Fairies


I’ve started writing the next installment in the Crystal Keeper Chronicles series. It’s called: “The Lost Secret of Time”. I’ll be partnering with the fabulous writing motivational website, Camp NaNo. The “NaNo” stands for National Write A Novel Month which started out in November. It has been such a popular event, the non-profit company has started Camp NaNo to motivate writing at different times of the year. I’ll be participating in the April Camp. I’ve set a word goal of 10,000 words. The next camp is in July in which I can set a word goal to finish the book. Come join me and start your writing dream.

Link to Camp NANO: http://campnanowrimo.org/

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