Back to School Blog Tour 2013: Featured Author Sibel Hodge


Back to School Blog Tour Sept. 2-6 Featured Authors: Sibel Hodge

Back to School Blog Tour Sept. 2-6 Featured Author: Sibel Hodge

Welcome to the first day of the Back to School Blog Tour 2013! Every day this week, I will be posting interviews with the featured authors participating in the blog tour. I’ve learned so much and made new connections in setting up this blog tour. I’m happy to share with you some of these fabulous authors.
For a list and link to all the authors participating and tour giveaway, link to the Back To School Blog Tour Page here.

Sibel Hodge is an award winning author that has written books in genres that include romance, cook books, and mysteries. She features her wacky humor and characters with a touch of self-confidence in her books.

Sibel Hodge is the author of -------.

Sibel Hodge is the author of It’s a Catastrophe.

1) Who was your favorite teacher, and how did they influence your writing?
None of my teachers really stand out in my mind as influencing me, although my favourite subjects were English Language and History. I think when you leave school, you don’t remember a lot of what the teachers taught you, but you do remember what they were. Schools need to educate the mind and the heart.

2) What advice would you give children for the beginning of school?
Try to enjoy every minute you can. Education is the most powerful way to make the world a better place to live in. Knowledge is power, and you have the power to do anything you set your mind to.

3) Did you have any role models growing up? Who were they? Why did you admire them?
Most of my role models were people who stood up for injustice in the world. Nelson Mandela would have to be a biggie for me.

4) Do you do anything to help organize your writing or inspire a story?
Inspiration is everywhere – from a book I’ve read, a film I’ve seen, a snippet of conversation, subjects I’m passionate about. Plus, I have a crazy imagination. Most of the time, I don’t really plan out what I’m going to write before I start. I have a rough idea of the beginning and end, but I don’t know how I’m going to get there until the words tumble out of my head.

5) What is the kernel of wisdom you have learned about writing?
Read, read, read! When I was a child, my mum always said if you read books, you’ll never be bored, and it’s so true. Plus, to write good books, you need to recognize good writing and what works, so the more books you read, the easier writing will be.

6) What other projects or books are you working on right now?
I’ve just finished a Young Adult coming of age novel called The See-Through Leopard, which will be released

It's A Catastrophe by Sibel Hodge

It’s A Catastrophe by Sibel Hodge

***Sibel Hodge’s book, It’s A Catastrophe, is available at as an ebook edition.

**For more information on Sibel Hodge, please visit her website at:
or visit her at her Facebook page.

***For all of the featured author blog links and blog tour giveaway information, link to the Back to School Blog Tour 2013 Page.

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