The Magik and Mayhem Blog Tour Giveaways-Starts Today


Welcome to day one of the Magik and Mayhem Blog Tour. This week I’ll be featuring posts and book reviews that focus on the theme of elves and magical creatures. But first we’ll start the good stuff: the giveaways.

To start: I’ll be giving away a paperback set of my fantasy/adventure series The Crystal Keeper Chronicles. It all starts in book 1, The Lost Secret of Fairies. Wanda, a loner, discovers fairies are real. With the help of her new friends, Lillith, the Queen of Fairies, and an elder elf named Geldon, Wanda discovers there’s more than finding out how to help, it’s finding the strength within to fight.

Book 2 is The Lost Secret of the Green Man, where Wanda starts to discover the other Worlds of Fairy and makes the biggest discovery of all, a best friend.

Book 3 is The Lost Secret of Dragonfire. Wanda learns that sometimes friendship is something you fight for.

All books will be mailed in paperback format. The lucky winner will receive an autographed set. Here is how to enter:

Win the Crystal Keeper Paperback Set Here!

Now for the second awesome giveaway! This is the Grand Prize. All the authors in the blog tour have chipped in for this one. There is an age limit to enter. You must be 18 years or older. The prizes include:

Ebook Yseult by Ruth Nestvold
Ebook bundle Season 1 Boreal and John Grey by Chrystalla Thoma
Ebook bundle Dark Elf by Willo Nonea Rea
Ebook Caitlin’s Book of Shadows by Juli D. Revezzo
Print book Raingun by John Blackport
Ebook Aundes Aura by Ryan Sullivan
Ebook Seeking a Scribe by Marsha A. Moore
Ebook Her Master’s Madness by J.E. & M. Keep
Ebook Wings of Shadow by Anna Kyss
Ebook Rune Breaker by Landon Porter
Ebook Judgement Rising by Tracy Falbe
Ebook The Chosen by Annette Gisby
Ebook New Zealand with a Hobbit Botherer by John & Annette Gisby
Gift certificate

Entry form below. Good luck!
Magik and Mayhem Grand Prize Giveaway

Come back tomorrow for an exciting book review of an MG Fantasy novel called The Gemstone Chronicles, The Carnelian. Plus, my blog will be featured on the Blog and Facebook page tomorrow, Tues. July 16. There will be a one day giveaway only tomorrow where you can win a $75 Amazon Card to purchase fabulous ebooks on Amazon. See you then!

For more information about the Magik and Mayhem Blog Tour and to see the other authors, feel free to check out the main blog tour website.

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